Relação entre o metano dissolvido e parâmetros ambientais medidos em áreas alagadas do pantanal
por Portal Padrão
3:18 PM
Estudo de raios ascendentes através de câmeras de vídeo e campo elétrico
Este relatório apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo dos meses compreendidos entre agosto de 2012 e julho de 2013 sobre o monitoramento e estudo de raios ascendentes na cidade de São Paulo. A partir dos dados coletados por câmeras de vídeo e variações de campo elétrico e sua eventual an...
por Portal Padrão
3:17 PM
Mineração de dados para análise da cobertura florestal
The landscape ecology metrics associated with spectral and space data mining can be used to increase the potential of the analysis and applications of remote sensing data becoming an important tool for decision making. The present study sought to use data mining techniques and metrics of landscape e...
por Portal Padrão
3:16 PM
Avaliação da sensibilidade dos biomas Amazônia e cerrado à seca utilizando tipos funcionais de plantas (TFPs)
Modelos de biosfera terrestre são os componentes dos modelos climáticos que simulam a interação entre a biosfera e superfície dos continentes e a atmosfera. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar a sensibilidade dos biomas Amazônia e Cerrado à seca, através de simulações com a versão ...
por Portal Padrão
3:13 PM
Analysis of plans, programs and policies to combat desertification in the state of Ceara Brazil in the period 2004 to 2012
According to the State Program of Action to Combat Desertification and Mitigate the Effects of Drought (PAE/CE), the State of Ceara-Brazil has three centers configured with Areas Susceptible to Desertification which are the Hinterlands of Inhamuns, the Hinterlands Irauçuba and Center North and the ...
por Portal Padrão
3:12 PM
Utilização do modelo HAND para o mapeamento de bacias hidrográficas em ambiente de Cerrado
This paper shows the application of HAND model in a watershed located in Cerrado environment, in a macro and micro scale. HAND model was applied used diferentes thresolds and the results were classified according to four classes with hydrological significance. The HAND was calibrated based on the dr...
por Portal Padrão
3:11 PM
Early warning system for drought and desertification
It is well known that most natural disasters, such as landslides, floods and droughts, are directly related to climate variability and particularly to its extremes. Several climate change scenarios indicate that the Semiarid of Brazil is very vulnerable. Land use and land cover changes in the semiar...
por Portal Padrão
3:10 PM
A importância da previsão do vento para geração de eletricidade através da energia eólica
por Portal Padrão
3:10 PM
Detecção e classificação de padrões da degradação florestal na Amazônia por meio de banco de dados celular
Forest degradation is a threat looms over Amazon forest. Detection and Recognition of Forest Degradation patterns are important to address forest state. This study presents the asset of application of a novel free system for spatial data mining, called GeoDMA, for distinguishing patterns in forest d...
por Portal Padrão
3:09 PM
Solar and met data acquired in sonda network – measurements and quality control procedures
The SONDA network aims at acquiring, storing and delivering free access to high quality ground data, which can be used as benchmark to improve and validate numerical models used to solar and wind resource assessment or forecast. Currently, SONDA network has 18 measurement sites located throughout th...
por Portal Padrão
3:08 PM
Preliminary analysis of viable spaces for horticulture in the micro region of São José dos Campos, Brazil: a subsidy for the discussion of land use and food security linkages
In Brazil, Human Rights to Adequate Food was institutionalized in January 2010, incorporating adequate feed within the Citizens Social Rights as part of Brazilian Federal Constitution. Access to adequate food that guarantees and promotes such rights has been limited due to socioeconomic issues and e...
por Portal Padrão
3:07 PM
A expansão da cultura de eucalipto na região do Vale do Paraíba entre 1995 e 2010 e sua relação com as características hidrológicas da bacia
This paper is a temporal analysis of the silviculture in Vale do Paraíba Paulista - one of the most industrialised regions of Brazil, where large patches of Mata Atlântica are found - and its consequences to the local watershed. Initially, we obtained LANDSAT 5 images from 1995 and 2010. Once sele...
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