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Climate change and thresholds of biome shifts in Amazonia.

We examine potential critical thresholds for biome shift in the Amazonian tropical forest by forcing a potential vegetation model with prescribed climate anomalies and projections from global and regional climate models and different levels of CO2 fertilization effect under the SRES A2 scenario (207...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/09/2010
  • 1:22 PM

The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme s (IGBP) scientific research agenda for coping with global environmental change.

  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:24 PM

Free and open source GIS: will there ever be a Geo-Linux?

This paper examines the constraints that limit the large-scale adoption of open source GIS. Although the open source GIS community has already achieved relevant results, their products have a small market share. There is equivalent to Linux and Apache in the open source GIS scene. We try to explain ...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:22 PM

GIScience for environmental change: Symposium Proceedings.

  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:18 PM

Characterization of emission of light volatile organic compounds in the region of São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:17 PM

Network of environmental sensors in tropical forests.

  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:16 PM

Does secondary forest compensate the low evapotranspiration caused by conversion of forest to pasture?

Forest to pasture conversion can lead to a decrease of precipitation induced by the decrease of evapotranspiration starting a positive feedback in the climate system. The accelerated deforestation rate suffered by Amazonian region is of global concern due to the importance of the Amazonia to the cli...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:14 PM

Avaliação espaço-temporal das mudanças de cobertura da terra no núcleo de desertificação de Gilbués – PI.

A região do semi-árido nordestino brasileiro apresenta sérios problemas ambientais, entre os quais se destacam os processos de desertificação. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar as mudanças de cobertura da terra em uma área de desertificação: o Núcleo de Desertificaç...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:13 PM

Avaliação de desempenho de índices de vegetação na caracterização de classes de cobertura da terra na região do Pantanal nas estações seca e chuvosa.

Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o desempenho dos índices de vegetação NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) e LSWI (Land Surface Water Index) na região do Pantanal, considerando os principais tipos de cobertura da terra e os aspectos sazonais da pr...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:12 PM

Avaliação de modelos gaussianos para fins regulatórios: um estudo para o verão na região de Nova Iguaçu, RJ.

This paper presents the evaluation of gaussian models of air quality AERMOD and ISC, highly used for regulatory purposes. The study area was Nova Iguaçu city and the period considered was the summer of 2002. For the simulations we considered the emission of SO2 pollutant from 24 stationary sources ...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:09 PM

Estimation of CO2 emissions from deforestation and land use change in the Amazon: nested coupling of atmosphere, dynamic vegetation, LUCC and fire spread models.

Deforestation of tropical forests for logging and agriculture, associated to slash-and-burn practices, is a main contributor of CO2 emissions, both immediate due to biomass burning and future due to the elimination of a potential CO2 sink. Moreover, climate change in the Amazon during the 21st centu...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:08 PM

Hydrological response of the Amazon River to the droughts of 1996-97 and 2004-2005 (Invited).

Severe hydrological droughts in the Amazon have generally been associated to strong El Niño events. More than 100 years of stage record at the port of Manaus confirm that minimum water levels generally coincide with intense warming in the tropical Pacific sea waters. During 2005, however, the Amazo...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/08/2010
  • 3:07 PM