To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the Paris Agreement committed countries to pursue efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 °C by urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the Paris temperature ambitions and remaining carbon budgets mostly use models that lack feedback among...
por Portal Padrão
3:00 PM
Entre promessas e defasagens, fronteiras e abismos: aberturas para uma filosofia especulativa do sistema terrestre.
Desde meados dos anos 1980, a Earth System Science vem se desenvolvendo e consolidando com o abrangente campo capaz de produzir conhecimento para o enfrentamento das crises vinculadas ao que se convencionou chamar de antropoceno. Mesmo considerado de fronteira, e que de fato tenha conseguido materia...
por Portal Padrão
6:33 PM
The Territorial Requalification of the Soledade Cemetery: Belém – Pará.
This article is one of the technical products of the doctoral thesis research entitled "Urban land regularization and access to environmental justice: mediation in urban and environmental land regularization in the state of Pará". The objective was to build the diagnostic study applying the methodo...
por Portal Padrão
6:31 PM
Drivers and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon along the northern Antarctic Peninsula during late summer.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a key component of the biogeochemical carbon cycle in the Southern Ocean. However, there are still significant gaps in understanding the role of DOC in polar environments, due to the limitations of spatiotemporal sampling. In this study, we investigated the regional...
por Portal Padrão
6:11 PM
Systematic Review on Ground-Based Cloud Tracking Methods for Photovoltaics Nowcasting.
Renewable energies are highly dependent on local weather conditions, with photovoltaic energy being particularly affected by intermittent clouds. Anticipating the impact of cloud shadows on power plants is crucial, as clouds can cause partial shading, excessive irradiation, and operational issues. T...
por Portal Padrão
6:09 PM
Patterns of natural vegetation removal in the Caatinga biome in Prodes Project scope.
The native vegetation removal (NVR) of Caatinga Brazilian biome has been mapped by Prodes Project coordinated by National Institute for Spatial Research (INPE) between 2000 to 2023 year. Prodes is considered an official government product for achieving Brazilian and international targets for the con...
por Portal Padrão
6:07 PM
Brazil nut journey under future climate change in Amazon.
Climate change is among the principal threats to global terrestrial biodiversity, especially to megadiverse ecosystems such as the Amazon rainforest. In this study, we investigate how it could affect an iconic forest speciesBertholletia excelsa(the Brazil nut) which has values in multiple dimensions...
por Portal Padrão
6:05 PM
Spatial distribution of atmospheric pollutants and fire outbreaks in the Pantanal biome from 2016 to 2021.
Pantanal fires have a significant impact on the environment. Anthropogenic emissions of residual gases have changed the tropospheric composition in this region due to burning. This study aims to analyze the spatial patterns of atmospheric pollutants (including carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide ...
por Portal Padrão
6:03 PM
Projected changes in the frequency of compound hot and dry events over Tropical Brazil in CORDEX-CORE simulations.
Under global warming, extreme events have been increasing in the last decade and are projected to increase in the future with every increment of global warming. The potential increase in compound drought and hot events may induce a complex web of impacts on societies, ecosystems, and economies, incl...
por Portal Padrão
6:00 PM
Advancing Forest Degradation and Regeneration Assessment Through Light Detection and Ranging and Hyperspectral Imaging Integration.
Integrating Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) enhances the assessment of tropical forest degradation and regeneration, which is crucial for conservation and climate mitigation strategies. This study optimized procedures using combined airborne LiDAR, HSI data, and m...
por Portal Padrão
5:57 PM
Sensitivity analysis of solar irradiance estimates over a tropical region by cloud index models.
The downward global horizontal irradiance (GHI) modulates various physical processes on Earth and is essential in climate, ecology, and renewable resources studies. In recent years, the use of geostationary satellites for estimating downward global solar irradiance (GHI) has gained increasing intere...
por Portal Padrão
5:23 PM
Watershed’s spatial targeting: Enhancing payments for ecosystem services to scale up agroecosystem restoration through nature-based solutions.
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) globally addresses land use-tenure-restoration tradeoffs. The Atlantic Forest Connection Projetc, a Brazilian collaborative initiative, aimed to preserve and restore the Brazilian Atlantic Forest fostering and rewarding sustainable land use that could generate bi...
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