Water sustainability at the River Grande basin, Brazil: an approach based on the barometer of sustainability.
Water resources are fundamental for the social and economic development of a country and sustainability is the best approach to treat water-related problems. Therefore, sustainability studies of water resources are deemed urgent. Sustainability analysis methods should enable space-temporal monitorin...
por Portal Padrão
11:17 AM
Evaluation of optical and radar images integration methods for LULC classification in Amazon region.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate different methods to integrate (fusion and combination) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Arrayed L-band SAR (PALSAR-1) (Fine Beam Dual mode-FDB) and LANDSAT images in order to identify those which lead to h...
por Portal Padrão
10:42 AM
Modelling land sharing and land sparing relationship with rural population in the Cerrado.
Agricultural expansion and intensification enabled growth of food production but resulted in serious environmental changes. In light of that, debates concerning sustainability in agriculture arises on scientific literature. Land sharing and land sparing are two opposite models for framing agricultur...
por Portal Padrão
10:40 AM
Multi-temporal flood mapping and satellite altimetry used to evaluate the flood dynamics of the Bolivian Amazon wetlands.
The Bolivian Amazon wetlands are extensive floodplains distributed over the Mamore, Beni, Madre de Dios and Guapore Rivers. Located within the upper Madeira River Basin, the wetlands play important roles in regulating the biogeochemical processes and hydrological cycle of the region. In addition, th...
por Portal Padrão
10:39 AM
Reptile species persistence under climate change and direct human threats in north-western Argentina.
Protected areas have been established historically in residual places where the potential for extractive uses is low, implying that places at risk are usually under-protected. Argentina is no exception, with few protected areas established in productive regions that are prone to conversion. Here, us...
por Portal Padrão
10:39 AM
Distribuição espaço-temporal da precipitação e SPI no estado de Rondônia (RO), Brasil, por meio de técnicas de geoestatística.
This study had the objective of analyzing the spatial distribution pattern of the precipitation and the spatio-temporal variability of the long-term (drought) rainfall anomalies (SPI-12) in the state of Rondonia, using the Standardized Precipitation Index - SPI, by means of a geostatistical approach...
por Portal Padrão
10:37 AM
Microalgae-mediated bioremediation and valorization of cattle wastewater previously digested in a hybrid anaerobic reactor using a photobioreactor: comparison between batch and continuous operation.
Scenedesmus obliquus (ACOI 204/07) microalgae were cultivated in cattle wastewater in vertical alveolar flat panel photobioreactors, operated in batch and continuous mode, after previous digestion in a hybrid anaerobic reactor. In batch operation, removal efficiencies ranges of 65 to 70% of COD, 98 ...
por Portal Padrão
10:36 AM
Biofertilizer replace urea as a source of nitrogen for sugarcane production.
In this study, different nitrogen doses (0, 16, 48, 64, 80, and 96 kg ha−1 ) from two sources, biofertilizer (from anaerobic digestion of cattle wastewater) and urea, were applied to cultivate two sugarcane varieties (RB 867515 and SP 803280). °Brix values higher than 21% were obtained with appli...
por Portal Padrão
10:34 AM
Improving drought management in the Brazilian semiarid through crop forecasting.
In this paper, we evaluated the performance of the model AquaCrop for crop yield forecasting in the Brazilian semiarid (BSA) using meteorological observation and Eta model seasonal climate forecasts as input data. The study area is characterized by low rainfall that is poorly distributed throughout ...
por Portal Padrão
10:33 AM
Análise espacial de serapilheira foliar em parcela permanente, Amazônia Ocidental, Rondônia: comparação de diferentes métodos.
A matéria orgânica, conhecida como serapilheira, proveniente da senescência das estruturas vegetais, é de suma importância para manutenção dos ecossistemas florestais visto que, este material, nas florestas tropicais, pode representar até 90% da produtividade primária líquida. Mediante ist...
por Portal Padrão
10:28 AM
Potencial do Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) no controle do desmatamento em assentamentos no município de Novo Repartimento (PA).
Ao avaliar a dinâmica do desmatamento em 15% dos assentamentos federais do Estado do Pará, durante cinco anos, detectou-se haver proporcionalmente mais desmatamentos no interior dos assentamentos do que na área que os circunscreve. Assim, tem-se o Cadastro Ambiental Rural (CAR) como uma contribui...
por Portal Padrão
10:26 AM
Improving the use of ground-based radar rainfall data for monitoring and predicting floods in the iguaçu river basin.
This study investigates the efficiency of correcting radar rainfall estimates using a stochastic error model in the upper Iguaçu river basin in Southern Brazil for improving streamflow simulations. The 2-Dimensional Satellite Rainfall Error Model (SREM2D) is adopted here and modified to account for...
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