Climate change projections over three metropolitan regions in Southeast Brazil using the non-hydrostatic Eta regional climate model at 5-km resolution.
The objective of this work is to assess changes in three metropolitan regions of Southeast Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Santos) based on the projections produced by the Eta Regional Climate Model (RCM) at very high spatial resolution, 5 km. The region, which is densely populated and extre...
por Portal Padrão
2:59 PM
Erratum to: climate change projections over three metropolitan regions in Southeast Brazil using the non-hydrostatic Eta regional climate model at 5-km resolution.
In Lyra et al. (2017), regarding the sentence in page 4, section 2.4, first column, second paragraph: The MRRJ is located in the state of Rio de Janeiro.This area of approximately 5 million km2 with a population of almost 12 million people (CEPERJ 2010) is the second largest urban agglomeration in B...
por Portal Padrão
2:58 PM
Analysis of intra-day solar irradiance variability in different Brazilian climate zones.
One of the main barriers to increasing the solar energy share is its intermittency. Solar energys large variability in different timescales is driven by natural solar astronomical cycles and weather. Ground-based measurements are important for evaluating variability at high temporal resolutions, but...
por Portal Padrão
2:56 PM
Comparison of methodologies for cloud cover estimation in Brazil: a case study.
Clouds are the major modulator of the shortwave and longwave radiation components of the Earth's energy balance and, as such, help to regulate the planet's temperature. In the energy sector, clouds are a source of instability in the generation of energy using solar technologies. This study aims at c...
por Portal Padrão
2:29 PM
Limiting the high impacts of Amazon forest dieback with no-regrets science and policy action.
Large uncertainties still dominate the hypothesis of an abrupt large-scale shift of the Amazon forest caused by climate change [Amazonian forest dieback (AFD)] even though observational evidence shows the forest and regional climate changing. Here, we assess whether mitigation or adaptation action s...
por Portal Padrão
2:22 PM
International organizations, advocacy coalitions, and domestication of global norms: debates on climate change in Canada, the US, Brazil, and India.
National climate policies are shaped by international organizations (IOs) and global norms. Drawing from World Society Theory and the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF), we develop two related arguments: (1) one way in which IOs can influence national climate policy is through their engagement in ma...
por Portal Padrão
1:59 PM
Widespread reduction in sun-induced fluorescence from the Amazon during the 2015/2016 El Niño.
The tropical carbon balance dominates year-to-year variations in the CO2 exchange with the atmosphere through photosynthesis, respiration and fires. Because of its high correlation with gross primary productivity (GPP), observations of sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) are of great interest. We develop...
por Portal Padrão
1:53 PM
Future climate change scenarios in Central America at high spatial resolution.
The objective of this work is to assess the downscaling projections of climate change over Central America at 8-km resolution using the Eta Regional Climate Model, driven by the HadGEM2-ES simulations of RCP4.5 emission scenario. The narrow characteristic of continent supports the use of numerical s...
por Portal Padrão
1:52 PM
Tropical land carbon cycle responses to 2015/16 El Nino as recorded by atmospheric greenhouse gas and remote sensing data.
The outstanding tropical land climate characteristic over the past decades is rapid warming, with no significant large-scale precipitation trends. This warming is expected to continue but the effects on tropical vegetation are unknown. El Nino-related heat peaks may provide a test bed for a future h...
por Portal Padrão
1:51 PM
Investigating the mechanisms responsible for the lack of surface energy balance closure in a central Amazonian tropical rainforest.
This work investigates the diurnal and seasonal behavior of the energy balance residual (E) that results from the observed difference between available energy and the turbulent fluxes of sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE) at the FLUXNET BR-Ma2 site located in the Brazilian central Amazon rainfor...
por Portal Padrão
1:47 PM
Historical carbon fluxes in the expanding deforestation frontier of Southern Brazilian Amazonia (1985–2012).
In tropical areas, pioneer occupation fronts steer the rapid expansion of deforestation, contributing to carbon emissions. Up-to-date carbon emission estimates covering the long-term development of such frontiers depend on the availability of high spatialtemporal resolution data. In this paper, we p...
por Portal Padrão
11:26 AM
Legal basis for water resources management in Brazil: case study of the Rio Grande Basin.
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