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Robust late twenty-first century shift in the regional monsoons in RegCM-CORDEX simulations

We use an unprecedented ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) projections over seven regional CORDEX domains to provide, for the first time, an RCM-based global view of monsoon changes at various levels of increased greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing. All regional simulations are conducted using RegCM4...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 21/12/2021
  • 2:39 PM

Contrasting dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the Bransfield Strait, Northern Antarctic Peninsula: insights into ENSO and SAM effects.

The marine reservoir of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is equivalent to the atmospheric carbon reservoir and represents the largest reduced carbon stock in the ocean. However, the role of DOC in the global carbon cycle is not fully understood. In this study, we analyzed the distribution of DOC in th...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/12/2020
  • 3:32 PM

Energy and CO2 fluxes over native fields of Southern Brazil through multi-objective calibration of inland model.

Land surface/ecosystem models (LSEMs) play a key role in understanding the Earths climate. They represent ecosystem dynamics by simulating fluxes occurring between the biosphere and atmosphere. However, for a correct flux simulation, it is critical to calibrate the model using robust and state-of-th...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 25/12/2020
  • 8:39 AM

Lightning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.

This study is concerned with the effects of a decrease in the air pollution concentration on the lightning characteristics of two large Brazilian cities. The decrease in air pollution happened from March 20, till April 02, 2020, and it was caused by the social distancing effort to contain the COVID-...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 06/12/2020
  • 7:18 PM

Coagulation and precipitation of cyanobacterial blooms

Eutrophication is the prime water quality issue in inland waters. Eutrophication and its key symptom, harmful cyanobacterial blooms, is expected to further increase in the future, which highlights the importance of managing the issue. The reduction of external nutrient load is crucial but might not ...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 06/12/2020
  • 5:45 PM


  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 03/12/2020
  • 11:35 AM

Hierarchical color similarity metrics for step-wise application on sky monitoring surface cameras.

Digital cameras deployed on the surface are frequently used for monitoring atmospheric conditions. Several methods were developed to use the images for synoptic observations, cloud assessments, validation of satellite models, short term forecasting and so on. However, there are some restrictions not...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 01/12/2020
  • 10:33 AM

Co-designing global target-seeking scenarios: a cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda catalysed the development of global target-seeking sustainability-oriented scenarios representing alternative pathways to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Implementing the SDGs requires connected actions across local, national, regional, and global level...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 30/11/2020
  • 2:28 PM

Projeto educação – extensão educacional: um projeto de difusão do conhecimento científico

O conhecimento e o desenvolvimento científicos e tecnológicos promovidos por Universidades e Instituições de Pesquisa são essenciais para o Brasil, bem como sua difusão à população, de modo que a sociedade tenha consciência de sua importância e apoie novas produções no âmbito da ciênc...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/11/2020
  • 3:37 PM

Co-designing global target-seeking scenarios: a cross-scale participatory process for capturing multiple perspectives on pathways to sustainability.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda catalysed the development of global target-seeking sustainability-oriented scenarios representing alternative pathways to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Implementing the SDGs requires connected actions across local, national, regional, and global level...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 27/11/2020
  • 3:31 PM

Corrigendum to “Analysis of areas undergoing desertification, using EVI2 multi-temporal data based on MODIS imagery as indicator” [Ecological Indicators (2020)

  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 18/11/2020
  • 9:46 AM

Análise espaço-temporal da produção de alimentos e uso da terra para agricultura no Brasil

Um dos maiores desafios para a sociedade nesse século é o de minimizar os impactos do sistema alimentar sobre o ambiente. Este trabalho estima a área para produção de alimentos no Brasil e avalia se a produção agrícola nacional seria suficiente para promover a segurança alimentar limitando ...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 06/11/2020
  • 7:30 PM