Aerosol optical thickness influence over the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) in earth surface – II.
por Portal Padrão
1:34 PM
Assessment of the energy balance of forest and “caatinga” sites in Brazil from SSiB and IBIS models.
Changes in land surface properties, often associated with changing vegetation and soil characteristics, have dramatic effects on the climate simulated by general circulation models (GCMs). Thus, during the last several years efforts are aimed to evaluating land surface parameterizations. Currently, ...
por Portal Padrão
1:32 PM
Impactos das alterações da cobertura vegetal no balanço de energia em área de Caatinga.
por Portal Padrão
1:25 PM
Assessment of the energy balance of forest and “caatinga” sites in Brazil from SSiB and IBIS models.
por Portal Padrão
1:15 PM
Modelos dinâmicos espaciais em programação funcional.
Modelos espacialmente explícitos são simulações computacionais que descrevem algum fenômeno que tem uma ocorrência bem definida no espaço e no tempo. Desse modo, o desflorestamento é um fenômeno espaço temporal. Ele ocorre em uma determinada localização no espaço e no tempo. Então, é ...
por Portal Padrão
1:14 PM
A basin-wide intercomparison of ecosystem land surface models and carbon and water flux observations in Amazonia.
The Amazon forest plays an important and complex role in the global water and carbon cycle, and important advances have been made in understanding the underlying processes in recent years. However, reconciling modeled mechanisms with observations across scales remains a challenge. To better address ...
por Portal Padrão
1:13 PM
Downscaling of South America present climate driven by 4-member HadCM3 runs.
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1:11 PM
Variação decadal do ciclo anual de precipitação em áreas urbanas no leste de São Paulo.
Based on studies of the United Nations Population Fund (UNPA), 82% of South America populations live in urban areas as of 2007, with a rate of growth about 1,7% a year. In Brazil, 70% of the population lives in the area originally covered by the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlântica). The urban sprawl ha...
por Portal Padrão
1:10 PM
Decadal variation in the annual rainfall pattern in the State of São Paulo.
Brazil is one of the largest producers of sugarcane and the Sao Paulo State is currently responsible for 60% of the national production. Areas previously used for livestock and citrus production have been gradually substituted by sugarcane due, mainly, to the current Brazilian government incentive f...
por Portal Padrão
1:09 PM
Surface wind modualtion by oceanic thermal gradients in the Brazil- Malvinas Confluence region.
The Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) region in the South Atlantic Ocean is characterized by the thermal gradients of the meeting between the warm Brazil Current (BC) and the cold Malvinas Current (MC). The region is considered a key region for understanding the linkage between Antarctica and South A...
por Portal Padrão
1:08 PM
Balanço hídrico climatológico em dois cenários do nordeste brasileiro.
por Portal Padrão
1:06 PM
Twenty years of research on forest clearing fires in Amazonia.
This paper presents a compilation of the main results obtained by this research group in twenty years of field research on forest clearing fires in the Brazilian Amazon region. Experiments were conducted in Manaus (state of Amazonas) (2 experiments), Tomé-Açu (state of Pará) (1 experiment), and A...
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