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Ecophysiology of forest and savanna vegetation

Ecophysiological characteristics of forest and savanna vegetation are compared in an attempt to understand how physiological differences within and between these vegetation types relate to their geographical distributions. A simple ordination first shows that although precipitation exerts a key effe...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 4:36 PM

The Amazonian boundary layer and mesoscale circulations

The interactions between the Amazonian boundary layer, the surface, atmospheric convection, aerosols, and larger-scale circulations are complex. The field experiments inAmazonia have provided rich insights into the daytime and nighttime boundary layer in different regions and seasons over both fores...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 4:35 PM

Desvendando questões Ambientais com isótopos estáveis

Desvendando Questões Ambientais com Isótopos Estáveis oferece a universitários, professores e público geral uma visão interessante e reveladora sobre o papel que os isótopos estáveis desempenham em vários campos do conhecimento. Essa é a primeira publicação brasileira sobre o tema; apres...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:36 PM

Projeção de extremos climáticos nas regiões metropolitanas de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro para o final do século XXI

Neste trabalho são avaliadas as tendências dos extremos de temperatura e precipitação nas regiões metropolitanas do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ) e São Paulo (RMSP) no final do século XXI. Para isso foram utilizadas as simulações de dois modelos regionais climáticos usados no projeto CREAS: RegCM3...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:29 PM

Temporal downscaling: a comparison between artificial neural network and autocorrelation techniques: Part II- application

Several studies have been devoted to dynamic and statistical downscaling for both climate variability and climate change. This paper introduces an application of temporal neural networks for downscaling global climate model output and autocorrelation functions. This method is proposed for downscalin...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:27 PM

Validação do Albedo da superfície terrestre obtido a partir de imagens do sensor Modis em área de Caatinga

O albedo da superfície, definido como a razão entre a radiação solar refletida e a radiação solar incidente, é uma medida indireta da energia solar absorvida pela superfície. É um importante parâmetro que afeta o balanço de radiação terrestre e, portanto, é considerado em estudos do cl...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:26 PM

Calibration of the “simplified simple biosphere model-SSiB” for the Brazilian Northeast Caatinga

Brazilian Northeast region is covered largely by vegetation adapted to the arid conditions and with varied physiognomy, called caatinga. It occupies an extension of about 800.000 km that corresponds to 70% of the region. In recent decades, considerable progress in understanding the micrometeorologic...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:25 PM

Solar radiation assessed by CPTEC model GL: a comparison between results with GOES and MSG over Northeastern Brazil

Model GL version 1.2 runs operationally at CPTEC/INPE assessing daily solar radiation from GOES 10 VIS imagery. Besides basic hypotheses about atmospheric variables, the fundamental local variable is reflectance at a pixel observed by satellite (Ceballos et al. 2004). Daily irradiation is obtained b...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:24 PM

Modelling of the decrease of tropical-forest resilience in Amazonia as affected by deforestation and fires

Biome models of the global climate-vegetation relationships indicate that most of the Brazilian Amazon has potential for being covered by tropical forests. From current land-use processes observed in the region, however, several areas of natural forests were lead to different states dominated by deg...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:23 PM

Potential for advancing fire research in Amazonia by integrating ground-based, remote sensing and modeling studies for the region

Fire research is key for understanding the ecosystem functions of Amazonia and the sustainability of land-use practices in the region. Fires are significant disturbances to biogeochemical cycles, and have important links to land use and climate. Major methods for studying fires include fieldwork, re...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:22 PM

An architecture for agent-based modelling and simulation of geospatial phenomena

This work presents a general architecture for building and simulating agent-based models that use real-world geospatial data, take into account all the ways geospatial data can feed these models. We focus on how data can be used to create an initial arrangement for the model, as if it was a static r...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:21 PM

Large-scale changes in precipitation and temperature in South America under climate change – ensemble climate model projections and uncertainty assessments

Following the extensive conclusions from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Fourth Assessment Report and other reports (including INPEs report 2007 - we have credible evidence that the climate is changing across the world. But it is important t...
  • por Portal Padrão
  • publicado
  • 26/08/2009
  • 1:20 PM